Mark s.

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Yallingup, Western Australia, Australia


Über Mark s.

66 Jahre alt | Property Manager/B&B Owner

We are a fit, non-smoking Australian couple in our early 60’s. Kathy has both English and Australian citizenship. Over the last 20 years, we’ve had an extensive background in the hospitality industry. In 2000 we built and ran a 5 star B&B just out of the city of Perth, Western Australia.  Following that we operated our own business managing 25 houses and apartments. These were all let as short stay and we quickly became Superhosts on Airbnb. Kathy’s past experience as a travel agent, set her up well to handle the reservations while Mark took care of the accounts. Having had a German-born mother, Kathy understands the language well and speaks enough to comfortably converse.

We enjoy the outdoor life and in August 2019, in order to live a nomadic life, we sold our beautiful bush block home. In November 2019 we began pet sitting in the UK and have been safely travelling, and mostly pet sitting, ever since. We love animals and have 13 successful house/pet sits, mostly through Trusted Housesitters. We were honoured to have secured a five star rating with each one.

We like to think of ourselves as environmentally friendly and would rather put on an extra layer of clothing, than switch on the heating. Recycling is also important to us. 

Mark is very much the Mr Fixit handyman and both Kathy and Mark are very tidy people with attention to detail, particularly when it comes to cleaning. We enjoy interacting with people from all walks of life. 

Our goal for the future is to have as many new experiences as possible and enjoy life while we still have our good health. When this fails, Mark has promised to push Kathy in a wheelchair, as long as she can remember to tell Mark where they are going!

We will take care of your property as if it were our own and you won't be disappointed giving us the opportunity to house-sit and look after your much-loved pet.

Copied below are some reviews from other sites we have completed assignments for.

Robert - Penna San Giovanni, Italy
29 Sep - 25 Oct 2020

Kathy and Mark were wonderful house-sitters and left our property in an immaculate state. We would recommend them to anyone wishing for a reliable, independent and resourceful couple. They were friendly, sincere and always looked after our best interests.

Pet care
Received | Nov 2, 2020

From Trusted Housesitter website

Maria & yiannis - Dresden, Germany
24 Aug - 4 Sep 2020

Kathy & Mark

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Katherine, 65 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Christine M.

Rydebäck, Sweden - September 2020

This was our first experience and we couldn’t dream of better house-sitters! Kathy and Mark are so lovely people, very friendly and also responsible. They have provided very good care (and love) to our old cat and have updated us regularly. The house when we came back was sparkly and they even worked in our garden, which looks great now! They left us plenty of small attentions (stewed apples from our garden in our freezer, etc...). I have not enough badges to characterize their great house-sitting but we can give them a 10 on 10!!! I think that we have made new friends and I hope that they will come back.

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