Juan manuel s.

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CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Über Juan manuel s.

31 Jahre alt | Estudiante

Hi! We are Juan and Merlina. We are a young couple from Buenos aires, Argentina ,with many desires to know the world together! We are living in Spain now and with plans to travel Europe indefinitely. Today we are very happy and grateful to choose this nomade lifestyle, that we believe teaches us a lot and constantly, knowing other countries, cultures and ways of life, really opens our minds. We love music, nature and animals, we grew up with many pets in our homes, We have 3 cats and 2 dogs in our home in Argentina,(with our parents right now), and we miss they so much! all were rescued from the street, sadly in Argentina there are many homeless animals :( .It's always a pleasure for us to share with other pets . We are very responsible and clean. We would be really grateful if you give us the opportunity to take care of your home and pets,for sure we will do it with much love, patience and respect,in the same way that we take care of our own pets. Thank you for read!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Vicky v.

Vich, Switzerland - Januar 2020

Juan and Merlina were lovely people - they are friendly, kind, easy to communicate with, responsible, and Milka loved them from the very first moment. They kept us informed at all times, they were careful with the house and respectful of the neighbours. We would very happily welcome them back, and so would Milka!

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