Katrin & chris m.

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Dettenhausen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany


Über Katrin & chris m.

33 Jahre alt | Co-Founder

Here is what other hosts said about us:
"Katrin and her boyfriend are really friendly. Communication before and during their stay has been very easy and they left the place very clean. We highly recommend them!"

"I hosted Katrin for a quick couple night stay to visit the Universal parks. She respectful of my home and kept things tidy around the place. She had a good sense of humor and exceptional couch-expansion engineering skills. Thanks for stopping by..."

About us:
We're a couple from Germany and love to travel and explore new places. We are fortunate enough to have jobs that allow us a tremendous amount of flexibility to feed our curiosity. We both love being active and being outdoors in nature. We like to run, hike, do yoga or go climbing. Chris has recently discovered his passion for paragliding. Katrin is an absolute foodie and loves to cook, eat and talk about food. This past year we have tended to a 100square meter garden space, growing and harvesting vegetables and herbs. Katrin actually also has some experience working on permaculture farms in Ecuador. While we don't own any animals or pets, we do enjoy having them around and taking care of them. Both of us grew up with animals around (cats and dogs) and Katrin has some experience with farm animals around. We don't have any "official" housesitting references but have a clean track record when it comes to taking care of friends' or family's places. We tend to leave a place better than we found it. :)
Please let us know if you have any questions. We're always happy to hop on a skype call with you.

We don't have reviews on nomador but here are some more reviews from other platforms:
"Katrin&Chris were super cool guests,we felt good vibes with them,the conversations and the talk was so deep and smooth,nice to meet such a nice couple as Karin and Chris, definitely recommend them"

"Katrin, fue tan tan linda y buena compañera para viajar. Nos divertimos mucho en las Cascadas del Amor. Comió y probó de todo. Le pude llevar a la Mitad del Mundo y al volcán Pululahua. Ella disfrutó mucho su estancia en Quito. Muy divertida y risueña. Espero tenerla pronto en casa cuando regrese de su viaje"

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Chris, 39 Jahre alt, Co-Founder, Self-Occupied, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Céline c.

Saint-Sulpice-sur-Risle, France - März 2020

Nous avons été absolument ravis de confier nos animaux et notre maison à Chris et Katrin. Ils nous ont donné des nouvelles très régulièrement et à notre retour, la maison était impeccables et toute notre ménagerie était en forme ! Nous les recommandons très vivement. Ils sont parfaits !

Amandine f.

Menthonnex-sous-Clermont, France - Februar 2020

It was such a pleasure to welcome Chris & Katrin at home. We had a nice skype conversation several weeks before their stay and it was a real pleasure to talk with them. They scheduled a morning arrival so that we could take our time to get to know each other, to learn about everything concerning the pets and the place. We really spend a great morning together and I left my place in a particularly happy and relaxed mindset :) ...which was such an important point to me. Thanks to this unfazed mindset I've been able to focus intensely on my training course and passed my exam. During their stay they sent me some funny pictures of Danka and Simba, who looked both very very happy (and didn't seem to miss me at all!). They kindly waited for me to come home at the end of their stay, so that we could spend some time together and tell me how things had been going on. I was really delighted to be welcomed with my boyfriend in my home with a lovely brunch! We shared a enjoyable time and I was really thrilled to know how much fun they had with Danka and Simba. They both really love animals (and nature) and they considered my pets as real friends. I really hope to welcome Chris and Katrin once again, making their acquaintance was such a great experience, and leaving wich such a peace of mind is priceless.

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