Ann M.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Ann M.

70 Jahre alt | artist | Allein

I've been seriously pet and house sitting for many years now but extensively for the past 10 years after giving up my apartment in Montreal, QC. Although most of my sits have been across Canada, I've also done long term return sits for 8 years in Mexico (several months at a time) and a month long sit in France for 2 years in a row, shorter one in the UK. I'm not fluent but can get by in French and Spanish. Most of my sits continue to be through word of mouth but I've joined this site as I would like to visit other places in the world. My friends describe me as an animal magnet. I mainly look after dogs & cats but have also looked after chickens, fish and a horse.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jean-pierre r.

Montreal, Canada - April 2024

Ann a pris bien soin de notre maison, elle a même fait du jardinage, ce qui est très rare à cette période de l’année. Tout était propre à notre retour et un bon repas nous attendait. Elle est très débrouillarde et autonome. À une prochaine fois! Sylvie et Jean-Pierre

Maria n.

London, United Kingdom - Februar 2020

It was a pleasure to have Ann over looking after our cat - she is a very lovely lady and very independent in her exploration of London! We met each other briefly on her arrival but it was enough to see her loving nature and positive outlook. She was in touch throughout our trip and sent us photos of Kaori :) When we came back from our trip my husband said it feels like his mother was looking after our home - Ann left us fresh flowers and the house was extra clean and airy and felt more like home than when we left! Not to mention our cat hardly noticed we were gone. We would be happy to have Ann over again and recommend her for your housesit - you will be leaving your home and pets in very caring hands.

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