James a.

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Bordeaux, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France


Über James a.

30 Jahre alt | Director of Design

Hello! We are a pair of working-from-home twenty-somethings keen to see the world, and make human/pet/plant friends along the way.

James is an Aussie Designer, Entrepreneur and cat-guy. When he's not making friends with the locals, you can find him making smashed avo' on toast, or hiking some nearby natural wonder.

Linda is an Athenian Events Manager and resident Polyglot; fluent in Greek, English, German, and Albanian! When she's not running events, you can find her baking or nursing household plants.

We're both old souls, and into clean, active and minimal living; meaning we choose not to own a lot of things, we eat environmentally friendly foods, and we're into hearty, sportly fun with friends than drugs/cigarettes/alcohol.


Our online jobs let us work from anywhere, and house sitting lets us do it at the style and pace we enjoy most.

We both also grew up loving and looking after cats, dogs, chickens, rabbits, and horses, and
have a pet-shaped hole in our hearts we need to fill.


We're 5-star trusted housesitters who have sat cat, dog, reptile, farm, and plant families across Sydney, Berlin, Konstanz, Zurich, London, and beyond - sometimes for months at a time!

We both come from pet-friendly households, and know the good, bad, and the ugly of looking after furry, feathered, and fleecy friends.

We're confident navigating our way around a new house, and keeping it in tip-top condition, as both long-term home renters and top-rated Airbnb guests.


You can stalk us here:
James: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesandrewscoulter
Linda: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindamata

Hope to meet you soon!

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Linda, 33 Jahre alt, Executive Assistant, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Hervé H.

Lyon, France - Oktober 2020

Couple très sympathique. Je n'ai malheureusement pas pu rencontrer Linda. Hippolyte s'est tout de suite senti en confiance. Je crois que James et Linda ont apprécié la ville de Lyon. Je leur souhaite bonne chance.

Dave p.

Berlin, Germany - August 2020

We had a lovely experience with Linda and James as sitters for our dog, Torrie and our home near Berlin. It was obvious from the start that both Linda and James were very experienced and it showed throughout their stay, They took care of things back home and we enjoyed a worry-free time away with family. They are quick to respond and communicate and willing to go the extra distance to make sure everything was taken care of. It was our pleasure to meet them and we hope another opportunity arises where they can visit again...Torrie misses you already!

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