Kathryn m.

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Chevy Chase, Maryland, United States


Über Kathryn m.

College professor and president (retired)

I've just retired after four decades as a college president and professor; now I look forward to the opportunity to house-sit for people around the world. I hope to combine my interest in photography with a chance to experience cultures different from my own. As a lecturer and visiting professor in a number of countries, I've always tried to adapt myself to the customs of the host country. I've studied Chinese, German, Spanish and French and I have learned basic phrases in languages from Portuguese to Bahasa Indonesia.

I have been an avid gardener for much of my life, even growing guavas and bananas when living in Arizona! Growing up, I always had dogs in my life; I've also been a cat sitter for my next door neighbor. I love the idea of getting to know your pets.

My hobby is photography--I'm becoming more and more serious about improving my ability to take different kinds of pictures, from landscapes to flowers to street photography. I am eager to practice my craft in new locations.

I've lived in different kinds of housing: high rise apartment, condominium, single family home. Each has its benefits, and each has its special responsibilities from balky plumbing to neighborhood cooperation. I take seriously the responsibility of caring for your home as if it were my own.

Relevant references:
From Kay Hanson and Peter Kaplan (Washington, DC): We have known Kathryn for almost 30 years; she is totally honest and trustworthy. When we had a detached family home, she cared for it for about two weeks in 2003. More recently, she lived in our current apartment for ten days. In both instances she did an excellent job of housesitting; we found everything just as it was when we departed. She even left us a beautiful gift! We would recommend her services without any reservations in full confidence that your home would in excellent hands. We would be glad to be contacted and personally speak to you should that be desirable.

from Nuno Jacinto (Lisbon, Portugal) on AirBnB: Kathryn was an excellent guest, easy to communicate with, intelligent and thoughtful. It was really nice to meet Kathryn. The apartment was left in perfect condition. I'm looking forward to hosting Kathryn again. Highly recommend!

from Versailles78 (Versailles, France): Kathryn est une home-sitter pleine d'attention pour les animaux et pour leurs maîtres. Nous avons retrouvé une maison impeccable et des animaux sereins et choyés au retour de 15 jours d'absence. Nou

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Januar 2016

Kathryn is a very kind person, very attentive to animals and to the house that we entrusted her. We had immediately a trustful contact. She informed us very regularly about our animals with messages full of humor. Very open minded towards different cultures and human contact. We will recommend her without hesitation.

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