Pamela F.

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Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Pamela F.

40 Jahre alt | Content manager | Allein

I’m a multimedia designer working remotely from Madrid for a health and nutrition non-profit. I love what I do and the flexibility it gives me. I’m originally from Honduras but have lived abroad for the last 20 years; my former homes include Washington DC, Lyon, San Francisco, and Barcelona among others. My dad used to be a veterinarian so I grew up around animals, we even had 6 dogs at one point! I don’t smoke and have never lost a single apartment deposit because I take great care of my homes. I was a live-in dog walker while I was in college, and have house sat for friends in the US (fish and dogs) and Barcelona (cat), and in Madrid and London through Trusted Housesitter. I was also a babysitter and nanny for over 10 years and took care of the little ones when both parents were traveling.

I speak English and Spanish fluently, plus intermediate French and some Brazilian Portuguese. I'm a photographer and former artist so I love museums, music, and discovering local designers. Traveling helps fuel my creativity and work.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Patrizia C.

Paris, France - August 2023

Pamela was great. She took care of Chablis in the best way possible, indeed in any pics she sent to us, he was very calm and close to her. She also followed our request (brushing him quite often, cleaning the litter once or twice a day, sending us daily messages, quantity of food etc). We found Chablis in great shape when we came back home! Pamela was also very flexible while we were programming our holidays and she accepted to extend her staying of one day when we need to change the period (around 2 months ahead). We absolutely recommend Pamela to take care of your pet and your apartment (it was clean and tidy when we came back home). Grazie mille Pamela!

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