Judith b.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Paris, Île-de-France, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Judith b.

46 Jahre alt | Journaliste

Dear home owners,

I am a French journalist and writer working remote from my travel destinations.
Since March 2020 I have been living mostly in Brazil, on a wonderful kitesurf beach in Ceara, Northeast.
I intend to travel a bit more in 2023, and would love to find a few months' long house and petsits as I enjoy staying for some time in the same place and create bonds.
I also need to spend a little bit of time in France, mostly Paris and Annecy - to take care of my family and see my friends - so I am also open to sits over there, as my own flat is currently rented...
I have accumulated experience with house and pet sitting for many years, mostly with cats and dogs, but also with... spiders and crayfishes!
I am a very affectionate and soft person who absolutely adores animals, but I am also very serious with applying the rules you will have edicted for the sit and we will take time to discuss this in details before I come.
I will also take time to send you pictures and videos of your furry balls so that you don't miss each other too much.
I am very fond of gardening and take great pleasure in taking care of a vegetable or flower garden. I grow my own organic produce on my terrace in Paris when I'm there...
Looking forward to hearing from you and your pets ;-)


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Marie c.

Mareil-Marly, France - Mai 2023

Le séjour de Judith s'est très bien passé. Nous avons retrouvé la maison très propre et surtout, Judith s'est très bien occupée de notre chat. Elle est parvenue, en trois semaines, à réguler son rapport à la nourriture, et nous a donné de bons conseils. Nous avons donc retrouvé le chat en pleine forme, pas du tout stressé par notre absence, il est clair qu'elle s'est bien occupée de lui. C'était une belle rencontre et nous sommes heureux d'avoir fait sa connaissance.

Sullivan F.

San Luis Obispo, United States - April 2023

Judith cared for my cat and little garden while I was away. She was organized and kept me well informed. I felt confident that my cat and apartment were in very capable hands. She is very knowledgeable about cats and I highly recommend her as a sitter.

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