Anna t.

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Beroun, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic

Über Anna t.

38 Jahre alt | University teacher

Bonjour! Je m´appelle Anna, j´ai 35 ans. J´ai etudié le francais et l´ethnologie, ensuite, j´ai enseigné le francais a l´université, et maintenant, je fais un break pour me retrouver et me remettre en bonne santé. Je suis tres interessée dans les alternatives: enseignement respectueux des enfants, encouragement de la creativité, vie sans-ordures, ecolo, permaculture... J´adore la nature, le calme, les randonnées et balades, les animaux (j´ai une chienne tres amicale qui peut aussi voyager avec moi, mais ce n´est pas necessaire, nous sommes flexibles). J´avais aussi un chat, donc je peux tres bien m´occuper des chats (et je l´adore). J´apprends a faire du cheval, et m´occuper des chevaux, donc cela m´intéresse aussi:) J´ai aussi de l´experience avec des tortues, des hamsters et des poissons rouges que j´avais etant enfant:) Je m´interesse egalement a la somatique, yoga, cchi-kung, danse contact improvisation, body-mind-centering,.... J´adore la musique - ecouter, pour danser, mais aussi, comme auto-didacte debutant dans tous les sens la faire: chant, guitare, piano, flute, djembe..... :))) J´adore plein de choses! J´adore rencontrer des gens et s´inspirer mutuellement. En esperant vous rencontrer lors de mes voyages! :)

And for you who don´t understand the Frech:) My name is Anna, and I´m a 35 year old Czech woman. I studied french philology and ethnology and then I worked as a teacher of French at university. It was wonderful, I love to teach and discuss with students, give inspiration one another. Nevertheless, I had to stop this work and do a complete turn and new start in my life, due to some health problems, stress and break-down. Our body is a wonderful messager! :) So now, I am in period of getting again in form, I am gathering my energy, giving place to creativity in my life and composing what my dream and mission is. It is going in the sense of work with people and mostly children. I dream about creating a school or a center for children - respectful of individual needs and senseful.
That´s why now I decided to give me some time and open my horizons thanks to this possibility of travelling as a house-sitter. I find this possibility wonderful and am so thanful for all the trustful people. As soon as I have my dream house, I will surely practice this too:)
I can very easily take care of any kind of animals and plants. I have a dog and had a cat, so I have experience there. I am learning to work with horses and

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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