Valerie N.

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New York, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Valerie N.

55 Jahre alt | Documentary filmmaker, social worker | Allein


Thank you for considering me to care for your home and your beloved pet(s). I’m a healthy, mature, trustworthy, good-natured person who loves to travel slowly, meet others, and have rich life experiences along the way. I'm Valerie, a documentary filmmaker, mixed media artist, and mental health therapist. I’m making the conscious decision to simplify and spend more time living.

What’s even better? Spending time with animals! A few years ago, I had the opportunity to rescue a scarred, toothless street dog from Laos. I met him while traveling in SE Asia and brought him home to live out his final 15 months in the USA. It was a precious, humbling experience. He taught me so much about trust and resilience.

I’ve had a range of home and pet-sitting experiences in the US and abroad, although only one through Nomador. I’m happy to provide those references.

My motto: life's short, moments long, breathe them in. Activities I enjoy: yoga, hiking/backpacking, standup paddle boarding, swing dancing, good conversation, and learning about others.

I have professional and personal references and would be happy to chat by video on the Nomador app or WhatsApp, if that's preferable. Thanks again for considering me as a possibility for your home and animal care.

Blessings and joy,

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Corinne l.

Maisons-Laffitte, France - März 2019

J'ai confié mon appartement et mes 2 chats 8 jours à Valérie et je le referai avec grand plaisir. Valérie est très amicale, très respectueuse. J'ai retrouvé l'appartement parfaitement propre et rangé ainsi que les chats en grande forme. On a échangé régulièrement pour se donner des nouvelles. Elle avait lavé les draps et serviettes utilisés. C'est une personne avec de belles qualités, vous pouvez lui faire confiance. Corinne

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