Kate r.

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North Saanich, British Columbia, Canada


Über Kate r.


I am a calm nonsmoking active and independent woman with excellent references. I have been housesitting in my home province of BC for the past 20 years and have joined this website to make more international connections.I am a homeowner and landlord and am conscientious and environmentally aware. I have cared for island homes where water conservation is paramount. I am comfortable living in remote locations as well as in the centre of the city.

I have completed 6 Nomador housesits and all 6 have invited me back to care for their pets and homes. Since 2015 I have completed over 30 housesits for another international housesitting website and have received a 5 star (highest) rating and have been requested for future assignments. I do prefer to plan several months in advance and like to arrange housesits to complement my scuba and skiing and cycling commitments.

In April and May 2015 I completed 3 housesits in France: 2 weeks with 2 charming cats in Paris, 2 weeks with an adorable poodle, 2 delightful cats and a few fish in a small winemaking village in the Minervois, and 1 week with an energetic young dog and her somewhat reclusive cat companion in a hamlet near Limoges. In July 2016 I cared for 3 poodles, 3 cats, 4 chooks and a handful of fish near Canberra Australia on my way to scuba diving Ningaloo Reef. I completed my first Nomador assignment in La Creuse area during September 2016. I cared for 3 energetic and loving dogs (Vizsla, border collie and jack russell terrier) together with 2 independent and fabulously personable cats, 2 ducks and a large contingent of fish.

I returned to housesit near Sissinghurst, Kent, UK for 2 lively "velcro vizslas" Nov 3-9 2016 and I housesat for 3 different families in Paris during October and November 2016.
During Christmas 2016 and New Year's 2017 I cared for 2 shihtzus in Tokyo.

In March 2017 I returned from Japan to housesit in Victoria and on various Gulf Islands for new and repeat homeowners during the spring and summer. I returned to France in September 2017 and housesat for new and repeat homeowners in between cycling the Bassin d"Arcachon and walking some of the Camino trails in the Quercy Blanc area. I returned to Japan December 2017 - March 2018 and completed 7 housesits in between cycling and touring between Tokyo and Nara.

March 2018 through July 2018 I completed several repeat and 2 new housesits in the Gulf Islands and southern Vancouver Island area of BC, Canada.

August 2018 through

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich
Lokaler Kulturführer
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Oktober 2017

We left our dog, our bird, our car and our house in Kate's hands. When we returned a few days later, it was as though we'd been gone only a few minutes. Kate paid loads of attention to the animals, taking our large dog on cool walks (and sending us photos regularly). She was also able to visit the surrounding area by bike -- farmers' markets and other points of interest. And the house was spotless! We will absolutely ask her back! And if our pets could talk, they would demand it! Nous avons laissé à Kate notre chien, notre oiseau, notre voiture et notre maison pendant quelques jours, et à notre retour c'était comme si nous étions partis que quelques instants. Pendant ce temps, elle a pris grand soin de notre toutou, lui faisant des balades cools (en nous envoyant les photos régulièrement). Aussi, Kate a pu visiter les environs à vélo, découvrant les marchés des fermiers et d'autres points d'intérêt. Sans question nous allons lui demander de revenir ! Et si nos animaux domestiques pourraient parler, ils l'exigeraient !

Melanie f.

Victoria, Canada - Juli 2017

Kate did an excellent job from start to finish. She is very prompt to reply to messages, was eager to 'get it right' and asked all the right questions She sent pictures and kept me informed. She is a very experienced house sitter and it shows. She took care of my two dogs, my extensive gardens and home beautifully. I would not hesitate to engage her serviced again. Thanks so much Kate. Melanie

Sue r.

Victoria, Canada - Juni 2017

What can I say Kate was wonderful:-). In the time between booking Kate and us leaving Ruby injured her paw and got got bit by another dog. It was a terrible week and we were conscerned about leaving her. Kate stayed with us the night before we left and in the morning we confidently left Ruby in Kate's very capable hands and it was a great experience for all of us. Kate us updated and contacted us when Ruby wasn't feeling well from the medication, Kate dealt with it calmly and efficiently and truly wanted to do what was best for Ruby. We returned home to a happy and healthy dog, our garden looking great and a clean house complete with clean sheets and towels. I would not hesitate to recommend Kate and wish her all the best on her travels.


September 2016

Kate was great, plenty of contact before and during sit , animals well cared for and home secure :)

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