Sue r.

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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


Über Sue r.

Business owner-tourism consulting

We are a couple in our early fifties. We have recently become empty nesters and now have the ability to travel more. We own a tourism based consulting business in beautiful Victoria,BC. Consequently, we are fairly independent travellers that enjoy a variety of experiences including getting away from the crowds and doing nothing. I love planning our trips and researching the area we will travel before we get there but don't get too concerned if things don't go the way they were planned. After our dog Ripley passed away last August we found the house to empty and t was as though our home had lost its heartbeat so in mid Feburary we adopted Ruby who was 5 1/2 months old. She has stolen our hearts and is a big part of our lives, consequently finding someone who will love her and care for her s very important as I won't be able to enjoy our vacation if I'm worried about her. If we were to stay with your pets they would receive the same amount of love and care that I hope she would get.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
David , Business owner, Ehepartner / Partner

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Kate r.

North Saanich, Canada - Juni 2017

It was a pleasure to care for Sue's well-loved rescue husky/lab Ruby. Sue has devoted considerable time and energy to train Ruby and Ruby has responded beautifully. Ruby is playful and loving and curious and attentive and a lovely companion to explore the gorgeous trails and beaches and woods in her neighbourhood. Sue and David are generous and accommodating hosts. Highly recommended.

Logement de Sue r.

British Columbia, Canada

1 Hund

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 2 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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