Cristian f.

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Rome, Lazio, Italy

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Cristian f.

42 Jahre alt | coach

We are Cris and Andy, a couple with European citizenship and passport (always ready to explore new lands) who always liked to know places and meals. We are two healthy, non-smoking people who like to lead a quiet lifestyle. We have always taken care of our pets and our homes, being single and then as a couple.
Four years ago we started to take care of some houses and we like it. Today we have the challenge of being able to know more and better the places where we like to know.
We enjoy walking to know the place better whether walking or cycling.
We enjoyed walking with dogs. Andy has been a dog walker and caregiver. We both love cooking.
We like to have the house tidy and clean. We have established routines by which we adapt easily to that of each home. We know it’s important.
We have always lived in houses where there are gardens, plants and sometimes orchards.
We are the right people to make your trip more pleasant, while we take care of your home, your hairy family and stay in touch for what is needed.
What you need to know just ask. We have experience with reference letters posted elsewhere or by googledriver.
We are two sports coach, also Cris is feng shui consultant and life coach. We like to meditate and do reiki.
We like to watch movies at night and enjoy home-cooked meals.
We like to learn from each place. Learn also language while traveling.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Andy, 45 Jahre alt, coach, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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