Alexandra f.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France


Über Alexandra f.

28 Jahre alt | Responsable Développement Durable


My name is Alexandra and I am a social and environmental specialist. I work for a company in Paris (Groupe Rocher) but I am able to work remotely.
I am very passionate about nature and animals, which I don't have back home in Paris... I usually need big breaks from the city and I love to escape in secluded areas to hike, swim, meditate, boat...
I am very organized, clean and tidy, and have experience with various types of animals (18 years of horse back riding, a cat, two dogs...) as well as house sitting for six months in California. I love doing sports, cooking and taking care of others.

I travelled to many countries (Morocco, Switzerland, Thailand, Dubai, almost across all Europe, USA, New-Zealand, Tunisia...)and enjoy learning from other people. Always glad to share happy moments!

Let's have a chat and meet up :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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