Jonathan y.

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Teignmouth, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Jonathan y.

74 Jahre alt | Technical Adviser - heating

We are a couple both 70 years of age with 3 adult children. We both retired in the summer of 2020. We are fortunate to live in a wonderful part of England although in a small flat chosen as an easy “lockup and leave” - and finally managed to leave in July 2021 for our first two house-sits in France and Belgium.
We met in our early 30s, both Londoners originally but ended up bringing up the children in a Worcestershire village, along with my mother, Lorri’s father, dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, geese and a couple of sheep. Do not ask me ever to sheer one again.
Lorri was a primary school teacher all her working life, becoming London’s youngest deputy head back in the day but choosing to raise children and be a regular teacher. .
After too much work-travelling around UK and Europe, at age 40 I opened a business selling and installing fires, stoves and fireplaces. It served us well during the family years, after which we semi-retired to the Devon coast. Before that we were all heavily involved with the local amateur theatre for many years
We have a special affinity and former connections with many European countries and are pretty proficient at the main languages. We love the European culture and lifestyle and would probably choose to live there if only the unspeakable Brexit had not occurred.
We are both totally comfortable with domestic and farm animals and miss having none, though this does allow freedom for travel. Also, in the garden Lorri has very green fingers and I will do as I am instructed.
We are primarily interested in soaking up the local atmosphere of the region - watching the world go by from local cafes, buying produce from the local markets and finding how best to cook it. The days of late nights out carousing are long gone sadly.
We have a 4x4 car and can go anywhere, willing to enjoy town, village or rural life.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Lorraine, 74 Jahre alt, Retired Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Varvara D.

La Hulpe, Belgium - Oktober 2021

Very nice couple who took good care of our cats plants and house. Highly recommended

Mylène m.

Villeneuve-Loubet, France - August 2021

Jonathan et Lorraine ont été des home-sitters parfaits! Fusionnels avec nos animaux, ils ont maintenu la maison et le jardin dans un état impeccable pendant plus d'1mois et demi. Ce sont en plus des personnes délicieuses, amicales et discrètes à la fois. Nous nous sommes promis de les revoir, soit à l'occasion d'un prochain home-sitting, soit en visite purement amicale. On les recommande avec enthousiasme!

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