Thierry w.

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La Hulpe, Wallonia, Belgium


Über Thierry w.

43 Jahre alt | Editeur

Nous sommes Sarah et Thierry, un couple de 40 ans, avec une fille de de 7 ans, Eva. Nous aimons les animaux et avons donc une maison et un jardin bien remplis de compagnons à quatre pattes et à 2 pattes

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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Berlin, Germany - August 2022

Thierry and his family were an absolute joy to pet sit. We were grateful to have the extra support if needed from Thierry's in-laws that also live in town. The pets are all very sweet. Inca, the dog, loves to follow you out into the garden or be near you (only on the ground floor) but due to her age, she's often laying down and taking a nap. She loves to still go for a walk around the block and loves to be pet and cuddled. Harry also loves a good belly rub. When he's not taking long naps, he is looking for food and at times has a lot to say to you about that - yes, he speaks! :) The chickens are very happy and they love roaming the garden and checking in on you at times. By dinnertime, all the animals are well settled in for the night except for maybe Inca. The owners are very organised with all the food supplies present in bulk and clear instructions. It's easy to follow what to do and you'll develop a quick routine in the morning and dinnertime as to who should get fed first etc. If you have any questions, Thierry is very responsive and helpful by phone/messaging. Also you have the added benefit of the in-laws being in town. They are very kind and supportive people. Thierry's town is fun to live in - there's a modern section with 2 major grocery store chains, a modern shopping mall, Quick (for burgers), and then a quaint pretty old style region that extends down to the town's train station (with amazing burgers near the station). The town is surrounded by forest and lakes - wonderful for a beautiful walk.

Logement de Thierry w.

Walloon Brabant, Belgium

1 Katze - 1 Hund

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