Bobbie R.

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Andover, Minnesota, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Bobbie R.

59 Jahre alt | Exam Development Senior Program Manager | Allein

Hello, my name is Bobbie Reiten. I am 58, and my passions in life are animals (particularly cats), traveling abroad, and history.

I have gained new lifelong friends and connections with various pets in new areas of the world in the year that I have been pt and housesitting through Nomador! I work remotely and typically work on the weekdays while on a sit, so will be there taking care of your home & pets, rather than away from the home often.

I have two cats of my own currently, and have had cats in my family since I was in my teens. I've also grown up around dogs, and had them as pets in my home. I love all animals--some of my friends call me "the critter lady," or "Snow White," because I'm always rescuing something.

I enjoy keeping my home clean and organized, and I would treat your home the same. I'm essentially a home-body, so I'll be staying at your home during the day, working from there weekday evenings, sleeping there overnight, and starting that sequence all over again. I will be curious and check out what the area has to offer on some mornings and on weekends, but I will not leave your home and pet(s) unattended for inappropriate lengths of time.

I don't drink or smoke, so neither of those would take place in your home while you are away. Any pets you have would be loved, cuddled, and cared for as if they were my own. You will return to your home in the same condition as you left it. Please read my reviews, as I take great pride in my efforts and the connections I've made through this site. I also have some reviews from a similar site that I'd be happy to share.

Thank you so much for reading my profile. I look forward to meeting you in person and caring for your home and pet(s).


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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Julia S.

Fresnes, France - Juni 2023

Bobbie is an adorable catsitter! Communicating with her before the arrival was effortless, and once she arrived, it felt like we have known her already for a while. Very kind, very patient and understanding, we enjoyed talking with her! The cats loved her, she even brought some toys for them, so we felt very reassured to leave for our vacation. Bobbie kept us frequently informed but was also independent. We would love to welcome her again and can highly recommend her!

Collette c.

Dungloe, Ireland - November 2022

From the moment we read Bobbie's request to sit for us we were blown away. We new right from the start she would be the perfect for us and our furry family. Bobbie provided excellent communication and we chatted back and forth in the days leading up to her arrival. This only confirmed we made the right choice. Bobbie is a true cat lover and will mind your home and your kitkats like they are her own. Bobbie is also super independent and works from home this worked perfect for us as the cats love company and are used to a stay at home human. We came back from our holiday to a warm welcome, clean and tidy home and a happy furry family. We were Lucky enough to meet Bobbie before and after our holiday and this was wonderful as we got to have some great laughs and conversation over an evening meal and really get to know one another so much that we are now firm friends :) We can not recommend Bobbie enough and we are delighted that she will be coming back to mind our little furry crew next spring. xxx

Tinna l.

Alsting, France - September 2022

We were so lucky to have Bobbie come and look after our house and our cat while we were on vacation. She is a rock solid sitter, we had no worries at all during our trip and came home to a happy cat and a spotless house. We can really recommend Bobbie!

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