Sine m.

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Athlone, County Westmeath, Ireland


Über Sine m.

55 Jahre alt | Teacher

I am a part-time online teacher in my early fifties and my husband is recently retired. We are caring, responsible and capable homeowners, parents and animal lovers. I lived in Spain previously for 15 years and speak fluent Spanish and French. We are fortunate to have plenty of free time and now we are fully vaccinated so we are ready to enjoy a warmer climate while doing some useful work like looking after your home and pets, which we have done in the past for family and friends. We enjoy the outdoors and regularly hike, cycle, swim and play tennis. We have looked after the pets of friends and family while they went on holidays and we love and enjoy having our own cats and dogs at home. We are experienced in looking after a pets physical needs such as food, water, exercise, and special care including when the vet is needed. We also understand that animals also have emotional needs and like affection and company. We are homeowners and parents and we would look after your home and your pets with the same care and sense of responsibility as we do our own.We have solid references to verify our suitability including a reference for managing and cleaning a busy airbnb property since 2015. I also have references from my students you can view here:
and from pet and housesitting which you can see here:

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Pat, 64 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Alf e.

Torrevieja, Spain - September 2021

Sine and Pat are two amazing people and I am very happy that I got the time know them during their stay here. They have been fantastic with my cats who became very trusting and fond of both of them. They were also very flexible when my travel plans changed several times during the house sit due to the pandemic and I had to return to the house for two short periods. From the start Sine and Pat was very focused on getting to know the cats and the arrangements I have had to put in place to keep them from fighting each other. During the day or so we spent together at the house before I left made me very confident that the cats would be in the best hands. I received regular updates and pictures during the time I was away, including short stories of the cats' exploits. Carlotta the Cat, my timid girl, who is always very sceptical towards people warmed up very quickly to them and especially Pat who played with her and let her sleep on his lap. The day Sine and Pat left the cats were a bit upset and I am know they were sad to see them leave. Since I was travelling for work and some of my travels had to be changed due to Covid restrictions I had to travel back to the house for two periods during the housesit. Sine and Pat was very flexible in this situation and we made the best out of it. And the cats enjoyed the extra attention they got :-)

Logement de Sine m.

County Westmeath, Ireland

1 Hund

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