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Orsay, Île-de-France, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Elise

44 Jahre alt | Kinésiologue

Nous sommes un couple de quarantenaires avec 3 enfants. Nous voyageons beaucoup et nous faisons notre possible pour que notre petit félin, Newton, reste à la maison pendant notre absence (et le potager peut aussi en profiter!). Aussi nous mettons le rdc de notre maison et notre jardin à votre disposition :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Solveig L.

Düsseldorf, Germany - August 2024

Elise and Marc are caring persons and welcoming hosts. They thought about everything and prepared detailed and useful information for my stay. I must say that it was the best written notices about the animal and helpful little advices how to handle the different situations with their cat, which I ever have read. The communication with them from beginning and through the stay was a brise. There was nothing what could be not solved and it was always found the most comfortable and suitable solution, which was fitted perfect for the situation. Newton is a big treasure of the family. You can direct see by the way how he moves/behaves that he grown up in the family who loves and cherishes him. Newton is a gorgeous, good-natured, well-behaved and playful cat and is the best companion for sharing the sofa and have a cozy time. Wenn he was not outside, busy to guard his garden, he was always close following what I was doing and ready for unaccountable rounds of cuddles. The house of family is full of light, comfortable and cozy. It is nestled in the privilege location, green and quiet area, so close to everything needed in every day life as well as almost directly from the house you can for a lovely walks. Thank you for your kindness and trust and for the time with your big treasure Newton😻.


Glasgow, United Kingdom - August 2023

(English below!) Nous avons eu beaucoup de plaisir à nous occuper de Newton! Le chat est super câlin et facile à soigner. La maison d'Elise est facile d'accès et bien desservie par les transports, ce qui vous permet de passer votre temps à explorer Paris ou la région environnante. Nous avons également adoré aller au cinéma local (4 euros pendant l'été!). - We had a lovely experience caring for Newton! The cat is super cuddly and easy to look after. Elise's house is an easily accessible area with plenty of transport links so you can either spend your time exploring Paris or the surrounding region. We also loved going to the local cinema (4 euros during the summer!)

Logement de Elise

Île-de-France, France

1 Katze

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