Ludyvine v.

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Sèvremoine, Pays de la Loire, France


Über Ludyvine v.

41 Jahre alt | enseignante

Nous sommes un couple de la fin de la trentaine. Nous avons 3 chats et 3 poules à la maison. Je suis une fan absolue des chats et des animaux en général. Même mes poules ont des bisous tous les jours ! :) Nous aimons également nous occuper du jardin et du potager. Je passe une grande partie de mon temps à la maison les mains dans la terre! Vous pouvez donc nous confier vos animaux, votre jardin et votre maison en toute confiance!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
damien, 41 Jahre alt, fonctionnaire, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Caroline D.

Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany - August 2021

We were 4 times lucky: 1. Ludyvine and Damien are really fantastic: They are kind, caring, funny, interesting to talk to and have great recommendations on what to do in the area. We enjoyed talking to them already in our video call before we came and once we were there they made us feel welcome from the first second. They even organised some french childrens books for our one year old daughter to look at. We had a wonderful diner in the evening and did a very thorough and helpful handover of everything. There was really nothing left out and we knew exactly what was expected of us and how to do it. We totally enjoyed spending time with them and regularly communicating in between and would love to see them again. 2. Their cats are really sweet, gentle and playful. We especially enjoyed cuddling with them in the evenings on the sofa and loved to watch the two kittens discovering their world. Also the “grande dame” cat opened up to us after a while and she started looking for our company and wanted to be cuddled. After a little getting-to-know phase the cats got along with our daugther very well. She was even able to feed and pet them. The hens were easy going and also a pleasure to take care of. 3. Their house is an amazing converted old slipper factory with a lot of cool ideas and the feeling of a somehow cosy and warm, metal/glass/stone construction. It definitely gets a lot of warmth from the dozens of plants all over the place and unique interior. It is very, very spacious, but still has a comfortable feeling. Already on the first day we felt settled in and at home. The building is beautifully renovated by the two themselves and so full of creative ideas, that we still discovered new things the day we left. The garden is fantastic with lots of blooming flowers, vegetables but also lawn with sun and enough shade that our daughter could crawl around easily by herself. 4.There is so much to see and do around in the area, and places we came back to over and over again. Our activities ranged from nice riverside walks to kayaking and city and castle visits. We had a fantastic day at the beach as well with great waves for our body board. We also simply enjoyed staying around the house, using the swing and marveling at the garden. Would we come back to housesit for them again? Without a doubt! Thanks for your trust, awesome two weeks and the time we did spend together!

Logement de Ludyvine v.

Pays de la Loire, France

3 Katzen

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