Rob g.

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Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom


Über Rob g.


Hi. Thanks for reading our profile. I hope we can give a clear picture of who we are why we enjoy house sitting so much. We are a professional couple who have recently semi-retired and are now enjoying the opportunity to travel and enjoy different cultures. We are non-smokers and drink very little. We are very handy around the house and would cope with any eventualities, having renovated some pretty old houses over the years and we would love the opportunity to care for your home and pets.

Rob is a retired primary school headteacher and university lecturer and more recently have been working with international education development projects in Malaysian Borneo and in Thailand and Myanmar.  Ann has been a self-employed accountant and had her own business for many years and more recently has been the finance manager for an NGO on the Thai/Myanmar border. We've both followed fairly traditional careers, and so it's great that we are now in a position to be able to give a bit back and enjoy the privilege of working in some very different environments. 

Having owned our own homes for more than 30 years, we really understand and appreciate how important your home is to you and that it's a big decision to allow strangers into your personal space. We will be aware of this and care for your home and pets with great sensitivity, just as we would hope someone would care for ours. We have always enjoyed gardening and so looking after your garden would be a real bonus for us.

We have been house-sitting for a while now and really enjoy the experience. It provides a really interesting and fulfilling way to enjoy the time between work commitments. We have been working and volunteering for education development projects in some remote and challenging regions for the past four years and find that house sitting gives us a break from work and a lovely way to meet new people in a more relaxing environment.   

We have had our own family and our children are now grown up and happily making their own lives here in the UK and abroad, so we can now enjoy the flexibility that all of this brings. We travel quite extensively so we are very independent and resourceful and have become accustomed to moving regularly and so will be happy to come to any part of the world. We enjoy experiencing new cultures and living as part of local communities, and we feel this helps us to integrate well in new environments.

We are experienced house sitters having cared fo

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ann, Accountant, Ehepartner / Partner

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Mai 2016

Nous sommes ravis de cette rencontre. Rob et Ann sont tres sympathiques et sont de belles personnes. Nous sommes partis sans aucune inquiétude pour la maison ni pour les animaux et tout s'est formidablement bien passé. Nous resterons en contact et espérons les revoir venir. Merci à vous et à bientôt. Véronique et laurent We are delighted that meeting. Rob and Ann are very friendly and are nice people. We left without any concern for the home or for the animals and everything went fantastically well. We keep in touch and hope to see them coming. Thanks to you and see you soon. Véronique and laurent


Mai 2016

Couple charmant, les chiens ont été tres contents et nous aussi, ils ont laissés une maison impeccable , les chiens ont été lavés!!super on a été ravis de leur venue, et tres touché par leur attention de départ(fleurs) en espérant les revoir!!

Annie G.

Bulle, Switzerland - April 2016

Je recommande Rob et Ann, un couple très très sympathique, soucieux de mes 2 chats et de mes plantes. L'appartement était nickel à mon retour. J'aurai apprécié de passer plus de temps avec eux mais leur projet ne l'a pas permis. J'espère les rencontrer à nouveau. I recommand Rob and Ann, a very very nice couple, they look after my cats and my plants with attention. My appartment was clean when I come back. I will appreciate spending more time with them but they had to leave. I hope to meet them again.

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