Ariana s.

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Los Angeles, California, United States


Über Ariana s.

34 Jahre alt | Online Teacher

Hi! My name is Ariana and I am originally from Los Angeles, California, USA, and currently in the state of Oregon in the U.S.
I enjoy housesitting as part of my lifestyle of working online while traveling, as it can bring a home away from home type feeling. It is nice to share a home with some cute animal friends, too. I have been home and cat sitting on and off since October 2020, and have enjoyed it a lot.
I have been teaching English online for a few years and this is currently my primary work. Volunteer work I have done includes gardening and teaching English to children in India. I have previously worked as a nanny, caring for young children in their homes.
Some important aspects of my life are music, writing, and quiet time in nature.
Over the past few years I've spent time between India and the U.S., a small amount of time in Thailand, and Summer 2021 in Europe. I'm especially eager to return to and discover more of Europe this summer.

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Saint-Suliac, France - September 2021

Tout s'est bien passé avec Ariana.

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