Sherryl l.

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Savannah, Georgia, United States


Über Sherryl l.

69 Jahre alt | Curator/Property Manager for Girl Scouts of the USA

I am newly retired and am looking to slowly travel the world with my husband. My career has consisted of caring for significant historical buildings and museum collections so that visitors can learn while having a great experience. This knowledge along with owning 4 homes in 3 U.S. states gives me confidence that I can competently handle most situations. I am an animal lover and have owned dogs since I was a child. Most recently I fostered a sweet but incorrigible Pit Bull rescue for over a year and loved watching the bond of trust and love grow between us as we went on walks and managed the daily routine together. I envision house sitting as a way to build relationships with homeowners and their neighbors while caring for their most prized possessions, their home and pets. I am hopeful that this experience will enable me to gain a deeper understanding of how people in different parts of the world live while providing homeowners the security of knowing that things are safe in their world while they are away.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Stephen, 72 Jahre alt, retired FedEx operations manager, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Anna k.

Cubelles, Spain - Januar 2022

Thank you for taking such great care of our beloved dog while we were away! It was a real pleasure to meet you and chat about your amazing travel plans. We felt comfortable entrusting our home to you. What really stood out for me was how great you were with Sticky the dog, and how you took on board the training we have been doing with her. Thank you so much, best of luck with your future travels, let us know if they ever bring you back to Barcelona!

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