Mireia d.

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Sant Cugat del Vallès, Catalunya, Spain

Über Mireia d.


My name is Mireia, I have taken care of many cats and houses since I was a teenager. If you ask me I can give you references. I absolutely love every animal I find in my way, I take care of them and I receive so much from these incredible creatures. You may think that I have no experience with difficult animals, well, that's not true. Sick cats are the most difficult cases I've found, giving pills and injections is hard, but it is much harder to see them suffer. "Violent" cats are not as much a trouble. I am not afraid of being scratched or bitten and I handle these situations with calm and tranquil ignorance.
I am not a social person so you don't have to worry that I bring people to your homes. In addition, I like spending a lot of time indoors so I won't let your animals alone for long hours.
When I am not traveling alone my sister is my companion, she is a nurse and the most lovely person and also has great experience with animals, specially with cats and dogs, she uses to take care and walk a dog in a regular basis.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Susanna, Secretary, Elternteil
Enric, Retired, Elternteil
Alicia, nurse, Bruder / Schwester

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

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