Allyson m.

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Austin, Texas, United States


Über Allyson m.

65 Jahre alt | Registered Nurse

We are a couple and love to travel. We have grown children and are retired. We love to bike, hike, try new foods, swim and read.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ted, 69 Jahre alt, teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Donald w.

Austin, United States - August 2022

Ted and Allyson’s home was an amazing experience! We absolutely loved the beautiful neighborhood and all the activities that were around including farmers markets, recommended restaurants, beautiful walking trail and more! Oscar and Taiyo were amazing dogs to watch over and were the sweetest pups to be around, we’re definitely going to miss them following us around all the time! 10/10

Jonathon t.

Phoenix, United States - Mai 2022

Ted & Allyson are fantastic. They are warm, welcoming, and genuine human beings. I really enjoyed my stay. They left me we detailed instructions, recommendations, and more accommodations than one person could ask for. They have a beautiful home in a prime location. Taiyo & Oscar are the sweetest pups you could ever care for. I can't wait to go back and am happy to housesit for them anytime!

Alexis g.

Baltimore, United States - Januar 2022

Awesome couple, beautiful home! I missed Oscar and Taio!!

Melissa p.

Austin, United States - Dezember 2021

This was our second sit for Allyson & Ted (and Oscar and Taiyo, of course!) in as many months. We've really enjoyed getting to know them, their neighbors and their neighborhood. They are also so sweet to have brought us bagels from Ess-a-Bagel, our favorite bagel store in NYC! :) We live in the same city as them, but it's always nice to explore one's own city because every neighborhood is a little bit different. This part of Austin is fantastic being so close to downtown and the immediate amenities like the park and lake area, food trucks, walking trails, etc. Allyson & Ted have a lovely two story home with everything you would need for an enjoyable stay -- great kitchen, TV/movie setup, wifi, etc. Oscar and Taiyo are the cutest little Havanese pups! They are a little older, so they are pretty mellow most of the day, preferring to be close to you and napping. They do get excited when you leave the house and return, but it's so fun to see their joy in welcoming you home. If you let them, they will sit in your lap or nuzzle up to you the whole day. They are super low maintenance -- feed and water them, walk them, let them sleep near you and pet them! We're thrilled to have sat for the family again, and hope to have an opportunity in the new year!

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