Lucía v.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Lucía v.

33 Jahre alt | Entrepreneurs

About us: We are Eugenio and Lucía, UK residents and EU citizens. We are experienced full-time pet sitters and work 100% online in our own companies. Eugenio is the CEO of his Industrial 3D Printing Company and also an MBA Professor. I am the Director of my Online Music Academy and also a Professional Singer. We just got married and realized that "the golden years" are just around the corner, and before we have kids, we want to petsit new furry friends while we work and meet new people.

We love all kinds of animals! Recently, we looked after a farm in Aylesbury for a whole month with 48 animals, including a horse, six dogs, hens, ducks, gees, rams, ewes and lambs.

Pets, so difficult to sum up, but let's say we think they are like LOVE in its pure state that just needs to be received, and our job is to leave the space with open arms. We understand their language, we know they can suffer when owners are far away, so we are totally committed to detect behavior changes and help them to get over any hard times.

It is very easy for us to take sittings in big houses with lots of animals. Definitely, our background helps us to be good housekeepers. We both grew up in big houses with pets, a garden and a swimming pool, and perfectly understand that a house is like an orchestra in which you are the director. Everything has its own rhythm, and you must keep the beat and NEVER let it fall down. Plants, cleaning, water filtrations, electrical problems, fragile stuff, priority mail, let's say, normal routine, is totally easy for us to maintain. Don't worry, we also lived in flats, so we include them in the checklist

We understand the importance of delegation while you are out, and we think fluent communication with house owners is a must. We enjoy sending pictures of pets' funny moments, and reporting on a daily basis if needed :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Eugenio Zucal, 39 Jahre alt, Entrepreneur, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Polina e.

Geneva, Switzerland - Februar 2022

Thanks to both of you for this smooth week. They gave a lot of care and love to my cat. We are delighted!

Philippe a.

Baigts-de-Béarn, France - Februar 2022

Nous avons été ravis du petsitting réalisé par Lucia et Eugenio. Notre chienne Nina les a adorés. Au delà du petsitting nous avons beaucoup aimé leur cordialité, leur discrétion, leur attention pour la maison. Nous espérons les accueillir à nouveau que ce soit en tant que petsitters ou en tant qu'amis pour partager plus de temps ensemble. Ce sont vraiment des gens adorables. Nous les recommandons chaudement.

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