Jan & rita a.

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Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland


Über Jan & rita a.

53 Jahre alt | IT Manager & Yoga Instructor | Als Paar/Duo

We are a young couple (49-52 years young), fully vaccinated including the booster and love traveling. We have 5 kids, who are independent and already standing on their own feet.

We enjoy the freedom and like to see places and experience local cultures while being there for a longer time than just holidays. House sitting is exactly what we have been dreaming of doing because it combines our passion to help others and to see places around the world at the same time.

We are animal lovers. We are traveling a lot and also enjoy taking care of other people’s fur babies, so we can still do something good.

When it is about pets, we don't see them just as animals and just feed them but we give them lots of love and attention.

Not only taking very good care of your fur babies, we also take very good care of your homes and gardens as our own. We are homeowners ourselves both in Bali and Europe, therefore we fully understand the importance of keeping the house in good condition, clean and tidy.

We have signed up for this page to combine our passion to help other people taking very good care of their fur babies and homes, travel slowly for a longer period while experiencing other cultures and exploring new places.

We have a profile on TrustedHouseSitters as well, where you can see some more pictures of us and our past sits: https://www.trustedhousesitters.com/house-and-pet-sitters/indonesia/bali/denpasar/l/1649222

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Rita, 50 Jahre alt, Yoga Instructor, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Cathy d.

Coaraze, France - Dezember 2021

Rita et Jan ils sont juste parfait ils se sont occupés des chiens à merveille se sont occupés de la maison et des extérieurs à merveille nous on dépanner sur plusieurs petits soucis dans la maison. Ils sont attentif et gentil aussi bien avec la les animaux que les humains nous vous les recommandons ils sont formidable nous espérons qu'ils reviendront bientôt chez nous.

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