Sam east

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Lisse, South Holland, Netherlands


Über Sam east

35 Jahre alt | Actuary

Meine Reisebegleiter
Lisanne, 35 Jahre alt, Health Care Projects, Ehepartner / Partner
Malin, 6 Jahre alt, Child, Kind
Jorbe, 4 Jahre alt, Child, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Melanie E.

Montreal, Canada - Oktober 2021

Sam and Lisanne were very welcoming pet and home owners who provided me with clear and thorough instructions and a tidy, organized and comfortable house. I appreciated that I could message them if I had any pressing questions. The cats were entertaining and affectionate and when not napping they were out exploring the neighbourhood and staking out their territory. The cat door is a marvel that allows them to come and go as they please. Of course the surrounding area is lovely and there's lots to explore in the nearby towns and a bus stop is also a short walk away if you want to explore further or head to the airport (though it's also a short drive away). I'd happily take care of their cats and lovely home again and I was honoured to be their first official pet sitter.

Logement de Sam east

South Holland, Netherlands

2 Katzen

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