Mitchell s.

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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Mitchell s.

64 Jahre alt | Air Traffic Controller

Hi. I am just entering what I believe is a new and exciting stage of my life.
Just retired after 21 years as an air traffic controller I am now free of most responsibilities and ready to take advantage of what this opportunity presents.
I have had the good fortune of having many interesting careers in my life in addition to air traffic control (working in different locations and positions including as a supervisor and instructor) I was a Customs officer plus various positions in the coast guard.
Try to enjoy all that life has to offer, being in the outdoors, gardening, travel and exploring wherever I happen to be
.I guess this is one this is one good thing about getting older, you gain experience:)
Though I am new to house sitting I have had a lifetime of maintaining properties and caring for animals.
I have had cats, dogs, birds (budgies) and fish, both outside and in an aquarium.
I have enjoyed both maintaining and doing upgrades to the homes that I have owned. Plus I am comfortable working on and with various types of equipment and vehicles.
I lived for many years on an acreage in northern British Columbia which required a certain amount of self sufficiency.
I have built and enjoyed several gardens that included water features, greenhouses and both vegetable and ornamental gardens.
I am always looking forward to learning more.

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Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Nohl M.

United States - März 2023

Fortunate to have Mitch on site. What a lovely floral plant he had for me upon my return, fresh sheets on the bed and the towels all washed. He is easy going and really appreciates the location/town. Responsible, trust-worthy, and kind. Thank you Mitch.

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