Leah w.

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St Thomas, Ontario, Canada


Über Leah w.

41 Jahre alt | Teacher / Social worker

Hello! We are a Canadian and Irish couple who love animals and enjoy travelling! We met while living in Berlin, Germany and two years ago relocated to Dublin, Ireland. We have two cats of our own and Matt grew up working closely with animals of all kinds as his step-father was a veterinarian.
Matt works as a software engineer and I am currently teaching English as a second language. Our remote work positions afford us the freedom and flexibility to travel. We enjoy spending time outdoors running, cycling and hiking, love the arts and are always up for an adventure!
My cousin has been house and pet sitting for a number of years via contacts made on nomador and recommended this platform to us as a means of finding a house/cat sitter. We are thrilled with the experience so far and believe it is a great way to connect and explore different areas. As we have been in the position of having others care for our home and animals, we understand how important it is to feel a sense of safety and security in inviting caring and responsible people into our homes! We look forward to connecting with you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Matt, 42 Jahre alt, Software Engineer , Ehepartner / Partner

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Logement de Leah w.

County Dublin, Ireland

2 Katzen

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