Roisin r.

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Cork, County Cork, Ireland


Über Roisin r.

31 Jahre alt | Secondary School Teacher

[Fully Vaccinated against Covid19 - Janssen July '21]
Full driver's license, 8 years. Non-smoker.

Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Ciao, house sitter seekers!

I am a 28-year-old teacher - I teach Irish language, English and special educational needs. Easy-going, responsible and reliable and a lifelong animal lover, travel being another one of my passions – which is what brings me here!
My interests include education, yoga, hiking, walking, reading, swimming, photography, cooking, coffee, art, film, music - (simple pleasures are my thing, as you can probably gather)
So looking forward to hearing from you soon :) Róisín

Why I want to house-sit:
I am a keen traveller who really enjoys exploring new places on mostly solo adventures - I am taking a break from my career to travel this year and would look forward to temporarily living in interesting places and looking after your beloved pets - whether it involves long walks, cleaning litter boxes or simply keeping them company and talking to them!

For me, travel is often not about seeing all the top sights, just being in a certain place is really enough for me… having the good company of some animals is merely a bonus!

I have grown up in the Irish countryside next to a farm, I spent many evenings feeding calves and climbing hay bales, mucking out stables. I have had cats (currently we have Puiscín, a black and white senior cat), dogs (currently we have Blue, a 4 year old Irish Setter), (and some fish, and a few chickens!) since I was small, so I feel I am well equipped for the task of I see the opportunity to house sit as not only an amazing exchange but also a big privilege and an important responsibility, and one that I take very seriously!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Patrick g.

Segur de Calafell, Spain - Oktober 2021

Très gentille personne , très agréable et pleine d'humour , adorable avec nos compagnons et ayant le soucis de nous donner régulièrement des nouvelles ..... respectueuses des habitudes de vie et des coutumes du foyer . La maison lui est ouverte quand elle le souhaite . Nous recommandons Roisin sans hésitation . Thierry y Patrick

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