Kay d.

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Versailles, Île-de-France, France


Über Kay d.

Retired Manager

Professional, retired Australian couple - experienced, reliable, enthusiastic animal lovers!

Having both recently retired, we are loving the experience of house and pet-sitting. Housesitting means we get furry company and can combine this passion for animals with our other passions of travelling and cycling, all whilst assisting owners to keep their pets comfortable and loved in their own home.
We have been living in Australia for over 20 years, mostly in Adelaide where we own our own home. We have been undertaking many wonderful pet/house sits in Australia and New Zealand for over a year and have been in Europe for 3 months where we have also been house and pet sitting. We would love to further pursue our housesitting adventures in Europe! We are currently in Versailles, France.

Trustworthy, reliable and considerate, both of us are Masters-qualified and have had long-term professional careers.

Kay is also a Justice of the Peace and David has had a detailed police check as a requirement for his charity work.

Why we want to house sit:

House-sitting provides us with the ability to live in and experience many different locations and cultures. Importantly though, it provides the house and pet owner peace of mind that a reliable, mature and animal-loving couple are looking after everything while they are away, giving love and attention to their pets and looking after their home. It also allows us to experience other parts of Australia and the world and as we both adore animals and have always had pets of our own, we believe it offers the perfect solution. We only recently lost our last pet, so looking after other peoples' pets whilst house-sitting provides us with some furry company too.

What we bring to the assignment/relevant experience:

We have been busy this last year house/doggy/cat sitting in Australia and New Zealand. Our assignments have included a six week house and doggy sit in Sydney for a gorgeous Wolfhound, and we loved it (we think our dog did too!), immediately followed by two delightful English Cocker Spaniels also in Sydney, both requiring daily medication and a complex diet. We finished a further long-term, three and a half month house sit (for a gorgeous Groodle and four chooks!) in January 2016, also in Sydney, followed by a cat (Tuppence) and doggy (Harry) sit in Adelaide and then a sit in Wagga Wagga, NSW, looking after two lovely Maltese Shih-tzus. We then looked after two lovely dogs (Staffie/Kelpie cross) and a 40

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Meine Reisebegleiter
David, Retired Chemical Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Reg C.

Delta, Canada - September 2016

Kay & David were very good and trustworthy house sitters. Our dog Tyra was very relaxed upon our return, and they even tuned up my bicycle while we were away. We would not hesitate to use them again, and would freely recommend them to others.

Nathalie f.

Grosrouvre, France - August 2016

Kay et David sont juste parfaits : un couple adorable qui aime les animaux (soin, sorties, câlins... Nous avons retrouvé nos animaux "bien dans leurs pattes" et épanouis) et qui s'occupe du jardin et de la maison (impécables !) à la perfection. À notre retour, un dîner d'accueil nous attendait, accompagné de leurs sourires et bonne humeur. Trés ouverts et curieux, Kay et David font le remarquable effort de parler en français et s'intéressent à la culture/histoire/patrimoine de la région. Nous sommes ravis de cette rencontre et espérons les revoir prochainement. Une expérience à 200%% positive que nous recommandons !

Chrystele m.

Limas, France - Juli 2016

Kay et David sont des gens adorables : Ils ont su s'occuper parfaitement de notre chat qui pourtant est assez sauvage : ils ont su la mettre en confiance et Ils lui ont donné toute l'attention et les soins que nous espérions pour notre animal de compagnie. Ils sont à l'écoute et s'investissent pleinement dans "leur mission" de home-sitter. La maison est restée très propre et le jardin été fait aussi. Ils donnent souvent des nouvelles pour rassurer. On peut leur faire totalement confiance. Kay est très attentionnée et très bonne cuisinière : quel bonheur de rentrer après un long voyage et d'avoir un gratin de poisson délicieux qui nous attend au four.... Ils sont devenus pour nous des amis et ils vont nous manquer.... Ne pas hésiter une seconde pour les avoir. De plus des cadeaux de bienvenue et de retour nous attendaient....Un vrai bonheur de les avoir connus ! Merci pour tout cela ! CHRYS

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