Jenn k.

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Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand


Über Jenn k.

communications specialist

Hi there, we are Jenn (wifey), Simon (hubs) and Elliott (bubs). We are a Canadian-New Zealand couple currently living in New Zealand. In 2017 we are taking most of the year off for a sabbatical. We have both spent several years living in each other's home countries (and two of the most expensive places to live - Auckland and Vancouver), and now we want to explore the world and think about the lifestyle we are looking for and where we might want to put our permanent roots for our small family!

Jenn is a writer and communications specialist in the health industry, Simon is a graphic designer and Elliott currently likes swimming, singing, dancing, dogs, trucks and buses. We are traveling to explore life in other places, meet people and build new friendships and introduce our wee son to the world.

We are a hard-working couple who take great pride in caring for those close to us - and by extension, you and your home! We have taken care of friends' homes in Auckland, New Zealand and Vancouver, Canada (cats and dogs included) and rented many beach houses and baches in between which we have loved as our own. Jenn likes learning languages, cooking and gardening, Simon is the cleaning machine (and he builds stuff too!) and Elliott likes to help with everything. We have both worked in customer service and know the value of making sure everyone is left with a great experience and a smile on their face!

We have references on another site - but we can't add them here. Happy to send a link on request.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Simon, Ehepartner / Partner
Elliott, Kind

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Karen s.

Edinburgh, United Kingdom - Mai 2017

Jenn and Simon looked after my pets, and house, wonderfully well, with their young son while I had to go away for a few days. The animals seemed happy and healthy when I returned and the house was clean and tidy. They even stripped their bedding, thanks! I would have like more communication running up to the house-sit as, although they had confirmed, we needed to sort out the details. In the end, everything worked out well. Thanks again!

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