Jessica j.

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Blackstone, Virginia, United States


Über Jessica j.

42 Jahre alt | Mechanical Engineer

I am a mechanical engineer and former Army officer who is taking some time off work to travel around the USA in a little A-frame camper. I am into all things outdoorsy to include plants. If I dog sit for you, your pups will definitely get lots of time outside as that is where I like to be. While I love all animals cats are my favorite and I love to spoil them with daily brushings and plenty of play time. I also have experience with less common pets and farm animals because I grew up on a dairy farm, have had all kinds of pets and I worked for a year in an exotic pet store. I am a neat freak, non-smoker and a bit of a loner. I'm not looking for a place to cut loose, I mostly want a quiet place to work on writing a book.

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Benthe W.

Weston, United States - November 2022

We had a great experience with Erin! It was both of our first experiences here and working through some kinks worked well with good communication. We were frequently updated on our cats and home, all mail was forwarded neatly on time, and if things arose we heard about it quickly. Erin is quite capable and will take good care of your home, as she did with ours. The home looked great when we arrived back, and our cats were still alive, ha! We'd recommend Erin as a house sitter anytime.

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