Sonja u.

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Aarau, Aargau, Switzerland


Über Sonja u.

59 Jahre alt | self-employed


My name is Sonja. I’m 56 years young, a Swiss national but I’ve always loved travelling, even with my dogs.

I grew up with lots of different animals like dogs, cats, poneys, chicken, goats, guinea pigs, rabbits, fish and tortoises. In our village we were known as “the zoo”. If a wild animal was found hurt it was brought to us to take care of it. I started to breed exotic birds when I was ten years old and only stopped when I started to travel to study languages. Bird-watching still is one of my hobbies.

For the last twenty years my ex-husband and I owned a pack of several dogs (American Staffords, Pitbulls, Staffordshire Bullterrier, Belgian Malinois, Australian Cattle Dog and Miniature Pinschers – guess who was the boss of the pack…).

I was very active in various dog sports like Obedience, Dog Dancing, Agility, Begleithund. It was big fun for my doggies and me. I love to teach a new trick to an animal, with purely motivational methods of course. Cats have always been around as well – but they definitely need less training than dogs ????

I have done some homesitting the past five years but I’m new at TrustedHousesitters. I took care of dogs, cats, sheep, horses, goats and chicken. My last sit was in September 2021: For three weeks I took care of a pack of 7 dogs, 1 cat and 1 canary bird. We had a very good time together. Of course I can provide references of my past sits.

I am a true animal lover with a high sense of responsibility and respect towards animals, people and their property! And by the way I’m a non-smoker.

I’m currently looking for a sit during European winter in a warmer place like for example Central America or the Canary Islands. Sits can be from 2 weeks to 2 months.

Whatever question you have, don’t hesitate to ask me. Communication possible through Whatsapp, Signal, e-mail, Zoom, Skype.

I’m looking forward to meet you and your beloved pets!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Kathy b.

Denver, United States - Dezember 2021

Sonja housesit our property for three weeks. She did an amazing job! She took great care of our three big dogs and our two cats. She is very conscientious, she asked all the right questions before we left. She was always reachable. There has been no issue during our trip, we enjoyed being away without having to worry about anything. She is very pleasant. We highly recommend her.

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