Alexandra h.

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TV, Tivat Municipality, Montenegro


Über Alexandra h.

30 Jahre alt | Teacher

Hello! My name is Alex - I am Scottish but I currently live in Montenegro with my Balkan partner, Martin, and my very round cat, Pocky. Martin and I live and work in Tivat at the British International school where we teach History and English. We moved here 2 years ago from our crazy lives in London which has proved to be an amazing tonic from the madness of metropolitan living! We both studied Asian languages at university and share a deep interest in exploring other cultures through travel and meeting new people.

We rescued our kitty Pocky from the streets here - she is extremely silly, loving, and playful. Our whole lives pretty much revolve round playing with her, exploring the outdoors, and food! We would love to be able to share our little haven and look forward to meeting new people soon.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Martin, 29 Jahre alt, Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Chinesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Herzlicher Gastgeber
Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Marie W.

Lille, France - April 2022

I was delighted to spend 10 days in Montenegro and specially in Tivat. Alex and Martin made me feel at home. They made everything possible to answer my questions and we kept in touch during my stay. We really had a good time before and after they came back. Thank you for driving me to Kotor and the delicious Currys. Pocky lady is a funny shy cat that I got to like when she decided I was worth it. 😁 She loves to play with anything she can find. I'll miss the place and I'll be definitely happy to come back if our dates meet.

mathilda M.

Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe - Januar 2022

Que dire! J'aime définitivement être membre de Nomador : les rencontres humaines sont au top et garder des animaux, en l'occurence Pocky, un chatte très timide mais très joueuse, c'est juste du bonheur. On a pris le temps de s'accoutumer, je suis arrivée en avance, avant le départ, c'était juste parfait ainsi toutes les recommandations ont pu être faites. Et le processus d'apprivoisement a pu se faire en douceur. Pocky adooooorrreeeee jouer, elle a son caractère comme tous les chats, mais c'est une chatte adorable.

Logement de Alexandra h.

Tivat Municipality, Montenegro

1 Katze

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