Annabelle b.

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Über Annabelle b.

33 Jahre alt | Landscaping and interior design


Hello beautiful people,

my name is Annabelle and my husbands name is Yannick. I am from Canada and 30 years old and Yannick is from Germany and 27 years old.

We met while traveling in 2017 in New Zealand and in 2020 we married in Australia. Since 2017 we have been living and working in different countries around the world. Now we have come to Costa Rica because we want to make it our new home. I have already been to Costa Rica before and for Yannick it is the first time. During our travels often we lived in our van but when we did not we were doing house and pet sitting which was always amazing.

At the moment we take care of a house and cat in Ojochal and in a few days we will do the same in Quizarra with 2 dogs. We are looking for another housesit between early december and early february. We are totally open for the length and the location.

Most important for us is to live in harmony with our surroundings, with nature and the poeple we meet. We have the greatest respect for every being wheather it is a plant, an animal or a human.

We are absoloutely in love with every animal and their company. We have pets at home and since we travel together we took care of many different pets. Cats, dogs, rabbits, chickens, horses and more..
Discovering wildlife is also one of our biggest passions and we feel very comfortable with snakes, spiders and tropical animals as well.

You could be sure that we take very good care of your house and your pet because we would treat it like it would be ours and we have a lot of experience with animals, taking care of other poeples houses and we are very clean and tidy people.

Because of our work experience it would also be possible to support you with any private project on your land while you are gone. If it is about gardening, landscaping, building, renovation or creation, we can probably help you.

Feel free to ask us anything you would like to know about us.
Have a great day! Pura Vida :)

Annabelle and Yannick

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Yannick, 30 Jahre alt, Landscaper and Receptionist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Kiera m.

SF, United States - November 2021

I felt very happy and comfortable with Annabelle and her partner. They took great care of my home and my cat. I was also very grateful for their updates and for how much they enjoyed their stay. I would have them again without hesitation.

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