Camille d.

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Boutenac, Occitanie, France


Über Camille d.

66 Jahre alt | International School Educator

I'm a recently retired single, 63 year old American woman. I have lived all over the world (France, Germany, Vietnam, Thailand, Bali, USA) during my career as an international school teacher and school leader. Though born in the US of American parents, I was raised in Europe and therefore speak Fluent French and excellent German. I also speak a bit of Bahasa Indonesia and Spanish. I've now got a permanent home in southern France, but my goal is to travel and continue learning about people and places. I have two adult children who sometimes join me in my adventures. I'm often looking for a house sitter to take care of my cat, Winston. In addition to travel, I love to read, cook and drink wine and have a laugh over a meal with new or old friends.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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Moorley d.

North Myrtle Beach, United States - September 2022

Camille's home in Boutenac set amidst beautiful vineyards and hills in the south of France was real pleasure in which to spend 5 weeks. With stunning views from the terrace and bedrooms, this updated old village home has all the modern conveniences, and yet is a work-in-progress. Being a DIYer, I enjoyed doing a little projects around the house. Camille was very thorough in her orientation. She picked us up at the Lezignan train station and showed us around town. Since she allowed us to use her car for a nominal daily fee, it became quite convenient for us to not only do our shopping, but also to explore and enjoy the surrounding region. We enjoyed hiking on the trails around the village. Camille's friends and social circle in the village warmly welcomed us and kept us socially engaged throughout our stay. Last, but not the least, we really had the best time with Winston! He is beautiful, lovable and easy going cat. He followed us on walks and cuddled next to us, but also enjoyed his alone time. The chip-activated cat-flap made it easy for him to go in and out as needed. It was very easy to care for him and we really miss him now! We would definitely recommend pet sitting for Camille and given the opportunity, would love to do it again.

Logement de Camille d.

Occitanie, France

1 Katze

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