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Spijkenisse, South Holland, Netherlands


Über Linda

46 Jahre alt | SUP school instructor/owner, yoga teacher, coach


If I'm lucky enough to stay at your house, you can expect a very responsable person taking care of your property. I would also love it if you have pets that need lots of love and cuddles.

I love travelling, exploring, and meeting (new) people. I enjoy the outdoors - walking, running, biking, inline skating, stand up paddle boarding (SUP), snowboarding, etc. While at the same time, really appreciate the indoors with a good book, studying, or spending time with family and friends.

I run my own (mobile) company called Fun-n-Stuff. It has different 'stuff' parts:

The way my company is set up, I can work from anywhere (with internet connection). If you would like, check out one of my facebook accounts to get an impression and for some fun pictures:

Hope to meet you soon!


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Diego & Daphne

Chesny, France - Februar 2022

Linda est quelqu’un de super :) elle s’est très bien occupé de notre maison et de nos chats. Elle est douce et patiente (nos chats sont du genre peureux). Elle a pris des notes pour être sûre de ne rien oublier. Nous avons discuté plusieurs heures avant notre voyage, c’était très sympa! Linda est une personne de confiance, agréable et avec qui il est facile de communiquer. Merci beaucoup :)

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