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Über Maura

we are a family with a teenage son who love travel, we love animals and we are very curious and we like to know new habits and new friends . we are respectful and very keen on cleanliness and order. we had an excellent experience with some fantastic house sitters and soon we hope to have the opportunity to propose ourselves for a new experience

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Edward b.

El Prado, United States - Januar 2022

Our stay in Venice was wonderful. Holidaying over Christmas and New Years was very nice. The streets were decorated for the season making all of Venice festive. The apartment was very spacious and very comforatable. We enjoyed the kitchen, cooking in most of the time. With the Covid situation we chose to shop for fresh itallian pastas and specialty meats and cheeses. Enjoying the taste of italy from home. A good compromise We communicated with Maura a few times during our stay. There were no issues with the home which made that part of our stay easy. The good bits... Astro and Luna. The cosmic kitties. They were fun cats to care for. Each having a unique personality. Luna was more aloof, but she did warm up and come for cuddles now and again. Astro was the mischief maker. Sweet and cuddly most of the time, but he would play late at night. We would find doors to cupboards open each morning. What a character he was. Our house sit went very well. The apartment was lovely,the cats were delightful and Maura was a wonderful hostess. Thankyou

Logement de Maura

Veneto, Italy

2 Katzen

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