Milagros t.

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Über Milagros t.

64 Jahre alt | HR DIrector

Hi, I am recently retired and am now entering a new stage of life with travel at its heart. travelling i have arrived in Europe and plan tonstay here for a number of years. Although ingrew up in Auatralia, i am spanish born ans have both spanish and Australian passports.

I am looking forward to staying in some places and being able to look after your pets as its a way for me to have animals in my life without owning them myself.

I love all animals and have frequently looked after my friends pets for short periods while they have been on holidays or while on this trip have even taken their pets for walks, which is one of my favourite activities . I am easy-going, conscientious and will be careful with your property and loving to your precious pets. I do have air bnb and trusted housesitters profiles with feedback from hosts that testify to my cleanliness and high level of care.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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