Emma m.

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States


Über Emma m.

32 Jahre alt | Healthcare Startup

Hi everyone!

My name is Emma and I work for a remote-first healthcare startup dedicated to ending the mental health provider shortage in the United States. My passion is teaching, and my current students are internally displaced Syrian refugees.

Even though I'm allergic to animals, I'm a proud animal owner/lover. I currently own two dogs and two cats, and have worked with horses at a children's therapy barn. I refer to my animals as the Herd, and they're my favorite part of every day.

I'm able to care for animals, plants, and homes- I currently own a townhouse in North Atlanta and live primarily in a rental property in East Atlanta. My schedule is extremely flexible with notice.

I've completed an FBI background check for my known traveler status (April 2022), have verified student status (Harvard) through SheerID, and have no criminal record.

If you'd like to contact me, please send me a message! If we have never worked together, I will ask to meet via a video platform, and probably ask for references. We're building mutual trust, and I'm happy to provide the same to you. If this is not something you'd be comfortable with, we are probably not the best fit.

Wishing you all the best, and I look forward to working together!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Juan d.

Washington, United States - August 2022

We absolutely recommend Emma as a house-sitter and would have her watch our pets in a heartbeat. Emma stayed with our dog and our cat for over 5 days and did a wonderful job watching them, our plants, and our home! She was kind, responsive, communicative, independent, and an overall great presence for us and the pets while we were gone. We would highly recommend her to others, and wish her all the best on her Nomador journey in the coming months and years!

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