Patricio Medina

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Trégunc, Brittany, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Patricio Medina

47 Jahre alt | IT System Administrator / Videographer / Fotographer | Als Familie

We are a lively Chilean-Spanish family living in France since 2024. I work remotely as a system administrator in the mornings, but my true passion is being out in nature, capturing moments, people and animals as a videographer and photographer. My wife Claudia, loves knitting, especially crochet, and she's incredibly talented at it!

Our oldest daughter, Trinidad, is 11 years old. She loves animals and is an amazing illustrator, with a real gift for drawing. Our youngest daughter, Olivia, is 8 years old. She enjoys life, loves hearing new sounds every day, and sings beautifully. Born deaf, she now has bilateral cochlear implants, which let her hear even better than the rest of us.

Olivia's deafness changed our lives a few years ago, inspiring us and shaping the path we are on today. We embrace every moment, appreciating the unique gifts that make our family special.

We are pet and animal lovers and we know how special and unique they are.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Claudia, 48 Jahre alt, Crochetist, Ehepartner / Partner
Olivia, 9 Jahre alt, Kid, Kind
Trinidad, 12 Jahre alt, Kid, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Kédange-sur-Canner, France - September 2024

Patricio et sa famille sont de très belles personnes, les jeunes filles sont adorable. Ils se sont bien occupés de nos animaux. J'espère les revoir. Amicalement Sabine

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