Daniel k.

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Dungarvan, Waterford, Ireland

Über Daniel k.


Hey there! I'm 22 years old, Irish and I'm training to be a concert pianist. I love nature and I can always be found out on my bike or walking. I spend my days at home practicing the piano, spending time with family and friends, reading, and things like that! I also travel around Ireland performing at the piano and doing concerts.

This year I did a year tour of Ireland with an orchestra and it was an incredible experience! I had a bit of misfortune last month where I injured one of my fingers and so I am taking a break from practicing until mid July to recover and am hoping to do some travelling and house sitting during this time.

Around 8 years ago I found a sick and abandoned kitten and she has lived with me ever since. I really love cats and would be so happy to take care of yours and give them lots of love. I have never owned a dog but I love them and would have no problem taking care of one. I have also owned rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs.

I am a reliable and trustworthy person and I always try to be of help to others in any way I can be. I love getting to know new people, travelling and having unique experiences.

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