Agnes b.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Budapest, Hungary

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Agnes b.

42 Jahre alt | Special needs teacher

Hi :) I am Agnes, I am Hungarian by nationality. My English is fluent and I also understand French. My French speaking skills are on a basic level right now, and continuously developing. I work in a school as a special needs teacher. My personality traits are loving, calm, patient, determined , reliable. I am an introvert but I also like to socialise. Besides children, my best companions are animals. As i can see, they open up easily for me and we have a calming effect on each other. Especially with cats. I had a cat for 10 years, but she unfortunately passed away last year. I know how is it to travel and trying to find a catsitter :) Knowing she was in safe hands meant everything for me. I have a small garden in which i love to spend a lot of time, taking care of my flowers. I start with tulips, than poppies and changing to summer flowers like roses and lavenders. During school holidays I like to travel , my favorite destination this year being Paris. In remaining free time i like making jewelry. You can find my handmade works on Instagram as Sengabeads.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Laëtitia C.

Les Lilas, France - August 2024

Agnès s'est parfaitement occupé de notre chat pendant 3 semaines et nous a donné très régulièrement des nouvelles avec des photos. Très à l'écoute, les échanges avec Agnès sont fluides et on se sent complètement rassuré de lui confier son chat et son appartement. A notre retour, l'appartement était parfaitement rangé et notre chat en grande forme ! Vous pouvez lui confier vos animaux les yeux fermés :) Un grand merci Agnès et à bientôt j'espère !

Sarrah K.

Paris, France - Mai 2024

Agnès is a trustable person, she took care of our cat and our place very well and we felt in full tranquility during our leave. We recommand her !

Carolina B.

Nanterre, France - Februar 2024

Agnès was very careful, thoughtful and affectionate with my cat Goiaba. Communication with her was very easy both before and during the stay. She met exactly the dates I needed. She took very good care of my apartment, kept it clean and organized. I shared the space with her for a few days of the stay and she was kind, polite and friendly. I recommend her to deal with your pets!

Carine F.

Draveil, France - August 2023

Agnes was my best petsitter ever. She's been very nice when we met & she didn't have any requirement unlike many petsitters today or complain about anything. She took care of my cat very well & left my house perfectly clean, and, of course, with nothing broken or moved. She also gave regular news. She even offered me a very nice gift when she left :) I definitely recommend Agnes, a perfect petsitter & a nice person !

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