Vincent M.

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Nîmes, Occitanie, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Vincent M.

28 Jahre alt | Marketing Agency Owner | Als Paar/Duo

I grew up with many friends.

When I was born, Grisou was already in the family, a beautiful cat.

Titus was the first dog I became friend with, Chipie a second cat joined the family quickly after.

Titus and Chipie were close, I remember seeing Titus helping Chipie when she had baby cats, he was transporting the babies in his mouth like a mother would.

One of Chipie’s babies stayed in the family, Pixel.

Chipie and Pixel were two beautiful Russian Blue cats.

We later adopted Diwan from our family in Bretagne, she was a Yorkshire.

Titus and Diwan had babies and Frisbee was born.

Pixel also had childrens, including Reglisse a mixed black cat.

I was friend with 4 cats and 3 dogs growing up. Taking care of them, playing with them, sharing memories...

During my studies I could see them only when I was visiting my parents.

Growing up, loosing them was difficults steps in life.

I used to dogsit during my studies and I could meet many different dogs, from big to little, old to young, each of them with differents diets and need,.

Since I started to travel I didn’t have many chance to meet new animal friends and when I discovered Nomador I couldn’t think of a better way to mix my love to travel and my love of animals.

I took care of many cats and dogs, fishes, parots, chickens, horses and even axolotl

Having many animals during my childhood required to have a garden with enough space for them to be happy.

I helped to take care of the garden, planting new trees that I could see growing, watering them as it should be, gathering information online to make sure to not miss anything.

To be honest there is so much to know about gardening that it’s very important to be able to look for information online.

I’m not alone, I am traveling with my partner who is also an animal lover and very caring with our pet friends.

We also love to take beautiful pictures of animals and we will be happy to make beautiful pictures of them for you :)

We would be honored to be the ones to take care and keep safe your home and animals.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Leisan, 25 Jahre alt, Social Media Manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Russisch

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Florence c.

Montpellier, France - September 2024

Vincent et Leisan sont un couple vraiment charmant, très calmes et indépendants. Ils ont été adorables avec mon chat Sankyo qui avait été opéré juste 2 semaines avant ce séjour. Ils m'ont spontanément envoyé tous les jours des photos de Sankyo qui ne laissaient aucun doute sur le fait que Sankyo se sentait très bien avec Vincent et Leisan. Ils ont en plus pris soin de mes plantes et de mon appartement que j'ai retrouvé impeccable à mon retour. Je recommande chaleureusement Vincent et Leisan!

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