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Mari s.

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Austin, Texas, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Mari s.

53 Jahre alt | Self-employed, Artisan, Interpreter and Airbnb host | Allein

My name is Mari, a 53 y/o female who adopted the US as my second home 28 years ago. I was born and raised in Mexico and I have had the luck of traveling extensively in both countries (In the US thanks to my business; I am an artisan. I design and make contemporary flower vases which I sell at Art shows throughout the United States).

Up until 2022, I spent my summers in the Cote d'azure for 10 years so I learned French by listening and practicing while visiting et je put dire que meme si mon orthographe n'est pas bon mon accent c'est pas Mal de tout. I am trilingual (Spanish, English, French).
Besides France I have traveled to other parts of Europe.....but there is still so much world to explore.

I am an airbnb host and I stay at Airbnb homes when I travel to sell my work, so I know firsthand how important it is to care for and respect a home.
I like being part of the community of open-minded people, committed to using our homes in creative ways that help fellow world travelers enjoy seeing the world on a budget while caring for someone's home or beloved pets and plants. This speaks of trust in the innate goodness of the human race.
My nature is being observant, I adore traveling and meeting people of different cultures and trying new foods.
I love my family (fragmented in Mexico and the US) walks and paddle boarding with my dog, yoga, dancing and would love to learn to play piano.
Since I am in the second half of my life I wanna see more of the world, I tend to get restless after 5 or 6 years of living in the same town. I need to move around and while doing so, If you decide to choose and trust me, I promise to take great care of your home, and love and care for your pets as well as I have cared for my now aging 14 year old Chapito.

Thank you for considering me,

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Logement de Mari s.

Travis County, United States

1 Hund

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