Leylâ s.

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Ankara, Ankara, Turkey


Über Leylâ s.

34 Jahre alt | Medical Doctor, specialist in Ophthalmology

I'm a medical doctor, specialist in Ophthalmology, in Ankara. I love to travel mostly on my own or one of my parents or one close friend. I have been to more than 25 European countries. I'm new to nomador because I had limited time for holidays in the past, now I will take 6 months unpaid leave from my job here. I'm planning to travel less and study for matching exams. I love animals. I have a cat, Linda, 3 years old and recently I have adopted 4 more kittens. We try to help rescue cats and dogs, being temporary home for kittens or puppies before adopting. Last month we had 9 cats at home at the same time :)
Honesty and being respectful are really important for me. I like quiet and peaceful environments and really love animals ??

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nejla , 60 Jahre alt, Retired , Elternteil

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


lucia M.

Aalborg, Denmark - Juli 2022

Leyla is a very organized, self reliant and nice young woman. She is a true traveller and cat lover. She booked flexible tickets and that made our lives a lot easier cause we run into some travelling issues and cancellations and knowing she was on top of things was a relief. My cat Nanami is a bit wild bit Leyla went with it and kept her super happy and safe. She was updating us with pictures every second day :) and when we came back the house was cleaner than what we left it. Thank you so much Leyla! Trustworthy <3

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