Sebastian d.

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Féricy, Île-de-France, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Sebastian d.

66 Jahre alt | Cameraman | Als Paar/Duo

We are a couple in our 60's. I am a cameraman and although my wife has retired she works part-time as a landscape gardener. We live in a charming village in heart of the Brie region with our 18-year old Norwegian cat. Our house dates from the beginning of the 20th c and is charming and cosy. We have lived here for 12 years. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and plenty of space to park the car outside. We love travel, although our cat does not. He prefers to stay at home which is why we would love someone to come and look after him, the house and the garden. We are about 15 minutes drive from the Château de Fontainebleau, which is magnificent. There is an excellent street market every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday with an inexpensive car park underneath. There are supermarkets about 10 minutes away by car.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Paris, France - August 2024

English below Nous avons adoré notre séjour dans la belle et paisible maison de Sebastian et Sylvie. Et ce jardin !!! Nos hôtes ont été de bons conseils : recette avec les légumes du potager, endroit à visiter, réponses à nos questions…Nous remercions encore Sebastian et Sylvie pour leur confiance, notre première expérience Nomador s’est transformée en très bon souvenir grâce à eux. Passons aux choses sérieuses : Modjo !! Ce chat est une crème. Tout doux, il roucoule plus qu’il ne miaule. Pas du tout craintif, il s’est automatiquement posé près des invités qui ne sont pas à l’aise avec les animaux. Il nous manque ! We loved our stay in the beautiful and peaceful house of Sebastian and Sylvie. And this garden!!! Our hosts were good advisors: recipe with the vegetables of the garden, places to visit, answers to our questions… We thank again Sebastian and Sylvie for their trust, our first experience with Nomador has turned into a really good memory. Now, the most important: Modjo!! This cat is a cream. Sweet, he warbles more than he meows. Not at all fearful, he automatically went by the side of our guests least comfortable with animals. What a laugh. We miss him!

Doris S.

Palm Desert, United States - September 2023

I had a wonderful stay with Modjo thanks to all the lovely things Sebastian and Sylvie did for me. They left a great packet of information about the cat, house and garden. The night before they left they had friends and neighbors over to meet me and offer support. The home and garden is comfortable, and spacious. Sebastian created A “What’s App” chat including the friends and neighbors I met and himself and Sylvie which gave so much support to any potential problem. The Modjo cat is adorable, affectionate and talkative, lots of company. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect experience, thanks to all the care shown by the owners.

Logement de Sebastian d.

Île-de-France, France

1 Katze

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 2 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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