Veronica k.

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Adventure Bay, Tasmania, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Veronica k.

54 Jahre alt | Artist | Allein

Hello, I am an artist I am 53 years old, I don't smoke or drink and I eat a vegetarian diet and value a peaceful and beautiful living environment. I am usually tucked up in bed with a book by 9pm and love to spend my days writing, reading, cooking, walking and visiting museums.

I usually live on a farm by the sea on Bruny Island, Australia. I bring a calm, happy, creative spirit backed up by solid experiences caring for animals and maintaining gardens and homes. I have travelled solo extensively throughout the world. I am married to a musician and we have wonderful grown daughters and two beloved dogs.

When I travel I am interested in art, architecture, walking around cities, exploring the countryside/coast, local mythology, healthy food and a calm and beautiful place to stay.

Along with caring for my own dog ( a large Labradoodle) an old 3 legged cat and poultry, I have been a pet sitter for: 2 Burmese cats, 2 bengal cats, a 23 year old cat, a lop rabbit, a Bennet's Wallaby, a tree frog, 30 Guardian Finches, 2 Mini Dachshunds, a Border Collie, 2 Moroccan Tortoises and I am part of our Island dolphin rescue.
I am also a keen gardener, living on an isolated Island I grow most of my own vegetables, maintain our olive grove and fruit trees and try and keep our 150 acre property free from invasive weeds. I also love house plants and have way too many inside and value and care for them :)

Having recently retired from University teaching, and with my adult children no longer at home, I am free to explore the world for longer periods of time. I have been housesitting for 5 years in wonderful places such as Morocco, Australia, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. I have a year long writing research project that I can work on remotely, I have been on many Artist residencies around the world, I miss the companionship of animals and the sanctuary of a home. Moreover I am keen to escape Southern Hemisphere winter and head somewhere hot. My partner is still a lecturer so he is bound to stay home while I can come and look after your pets as if they were my own :)

I am very happy to have a video meet up and to answer any questions you may have for me.

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Nathalie d.

Marseille, France - Oktober 2022

Je ne peux que faire des éloges au sujet de Véronica. Son contact est non seulement sympathique, il est amical. D'abord elle a été très patiente et à l'écoute des multiples consignes ; ). Ensuite, elle a vraiment pris soin de mes 3 chats et de la maison avec beaucoup d'attention. Elle a particulièrement veillé au bien être du plus vieux des trois (ce qui n'était pas simple), me donnant régulièrement de petites nouvelles de la vie de tous les jours pour me rassurer. Cela m'a permis de profiter de mes vacances, complétement sereine. Positive, dynamique, bienveillante et autonome, je sentais, à distance, qu'il y avait de la joie dans la maison et que tout était sous bonne garde. Ma confiance était totale. Un grand merci à toi Véronica.

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